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The ARDUOUS workshop will once again be part of the PerCom conference. This year’s workshop will take place in Athens, Greece on March 23. More information can be found here.

iWOAR paprticipation

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The paper “Knowledge Extraction from Task Narratives” has been accepted for presentation in the 4th international Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Interaction (iWOAR). The paper is a collaboration with our colleagues from the Universitat Politècnica de València and addresses … Continued

RANLP 2017 participation

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Two papers have been accepted for presentation at the Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing Conference. The first is Automatic Generation of Situation Models for Plan Recognition Problems, which discusses how to extract the domain knowledge from textual instructions. The … Continued

PerCom 2017 participation

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This year’s PerCom 2017 takes place on Kona, Big Island, Hawaii from 13th to 17th March. We will participate at the conference with our workshop ARDUOUS, which will take place on 17th March as part of the PerCom workshops.