DigiCare project presentation

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On October 5 from 3pm Kristina Yordanova will participate in an online event organised by the Center for Artificial Intelligence at Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The guests of the event will discuss the potential and limitations of using AI approaches to improve E-Learning. In this context, Kristina will present our Project DigiCare, in which we develop a chatbot-based intelligent tutoring systems for students in nursing subjects.

A teaser of the event could be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/zentrum-f%C3%BCr-k%C3%BCnstliche-intelligenz-in-mv_online-event-k%C3%BCnstliche-intelligenz-f%C3%BCr-activity-6849281828818341888-k68F

The livestream in youtube could be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzTN0r4w-eA